
The entrance to the tunnel warren that leads to the ancient Archon city of Agartha is marked by a fifteen foot statue. It represented a humanoid creature with slender, gracile form draped in robes.  The features were sharp, the domed head disproportionately large and hairless. The eyes  were huge, slanted and fathomless. 

This statue stood in a huge, vault walled cavern. The cavern was immense, wrapped in darkness. From the ceiling black shapes could be made out.  It was filled with stalagmites and stalactites. An underground river flowed through it. 

A worn path wound its way through the cavern to a fissure at the far end.  Here a narrow staircase, hewn out of living stone dropped steeply into the fissure. 

The stairs led to another wide, vault walled passage from which many other fissures radiated. The passage led off to side caverns and more fissures.  

Eventually it lead to an area where the Archon power generators could be heard. Through a pitch black tunnel the city would finally be reached. It ended at a broad shelf of Basalt, thrusting out over a cavernous space that was incredibly vast. 

From the shelf the ground sloped gently downward to a collection of structures. The buildings were constructed of black Basalt, quarried from the cavern walls.  The structures were low to the ground, windowless and some sprouted fluted spirals. A tower identical to the Administrative monolith in the Villes stood in the very center of the city, but it was only half the height of the ville monoliths. 

As with the villes, they spread out wheel like from the monolith in the center. The cavernous roof was covered in light tiles, except where stalactites hung down. The cavern was about half a mile in circumference. 

Anyone entering the city encountered triplets, hybrids that were complete idiots, not knowing anything except to point visitors to the monolith.

At the base of the tower was a low arched doorway which led into a corridor. The corridor abruptly curved around and became a stairway. The steps led to an archway flanked by Archon generators. Past the generator arched doorway was an oval gallery whose walls and floors appeared to be coated by a lacquer of Amethyst, reflecting the lights of fire dancing in a huge bowl braizer. 

At the very center of the gallery, in a stone-rimmed depression, stood a stone altar.  Behind it stood a figure. Around the altar laid the bones of seven corpse, all hybrids. 

The figure was Lam, the last of the descendents of the Archons, and Balam's father.  After countless years, Lam passed on the Chintamani stone to Kane and succumbed to his great age.  He passed it on, with Balam's instructions to save humanity.