
These creatures appeared in an alternate Casement that Kane found himself in during the events of Night Eternal. It is quite possible that these creatures had existed in the Outlanders timeline, during the reign of the Archons. 

Goblins, like most of the genetically engineered creatures were roughly human in appearance, although they tended to be over six feet in height. The arms were long, while the legs were fairly short. The flesh of the creatures was greenish grey and seemed to hang loosely on the skeleton. The flesh was loose and scaled, and as tough as leather.  It reacted strangely to sunlight, the ultra-violet rays causing the flesh to burst open in weeping sores. The smell from the sores was nauseating.

The faces were broad from side to side while deep from front to back. The tongue was molted grey.

Like most mutants, the goblins wore animal hides over their loose flesh and carried crude spears and clubs, and seemed to be incredibly resilient to damage.  One that Kane fought in the casement he was trapped in was able to continue to fight even after its intestines had been spilled from its stomach.