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Sex: Male

Age: 38 (At start of series)

Height: 6.4

Weight: 230 pounds

Hair Color: Black (curly, starting to grey)

Eye Color: Brown

Distinguishing Features: African American

First Appearance: Exile to Hell

Place of Birth: Cobaltville

Known Relatives: None

Preferred Weapons: Sin Eater, Copperhead

Clothing: Magistrate body armour, or when inside the Cerberus redoubt, a form fitting bodysuit.

Commonly Carried Equipment: His weapons, armour, and ammunition.

Grant, like Kane is first and foremost a Magistrate, even in his exile to the outlands. He and Kane have been partners for 12 years and are best friends who work well together. Where Kane tends to be impulsive and a risk taker, Grant tends to be a little more level headed than his younger friend, but not by much.

Physically Grant is larger and more imposing that Kane, not to mention a couple of years older. He is very strong, though he is starting to develop something of a paunch which Kane has teased him about on at least one occasion.

Due to his Magistrate training, he is adept in martial arts as well as the use of most weapons available. He is also a good driver and a Deathbird pilot.

Throughout his career as a Magistrate he has had his nose broken at least three times and each time it was set badly, and it shows. As with all members of the Magistrates, he has his fair share of scars, but when it comes to getting wounded in battle, he has the worst luck imaginable. He is probably the only man who has ever come close to dying by being crushed under a Blue Whale on dry land. This event occurred in Iceblood.

Several years before there had been a special woman name Oliva in his life and the two of them had applied to be married, but their application had been rejected. They parted, never to see each other again. This jaded Grant to some extent. Though after rescuing the Outlander girl Domi from Guana Teague he has been forced to fight off her sexual advances more than a couple of times. To him, it's the age difference.

Since his escape from Cobaltville, he was forced to start using the Matter Transmitter units to travel with his companions all over the nation and the world. He has grown to despise the units.

Created on 02/18/01