Nazi Casement

The allied forces were driven back after the disaster at Normandy.  The retreat was slow and stubborn but their weapons were no match for the weapons utilized by the Nazi's.

Foo fighters, remote controlled weapons, decimated the US air force and the RAF. The utilization of microwave based weapons wreaked havoc on the electrical systems utilized by the vehicles of the allies.  

The non aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Germany remained steadfast, with Germany not receiving any aid from the giant nation. 

Constant deep strikes by V-4 rockets with Incendiary devices wiped out allied bases all over Europe, the North Atlantic, and eventually the Pacific. But the French and the British continued to battle, even after being driven from their homelands. 

It all came to end in 1945, when the Nazi's detonated a nuclear weapon over Washington on Jan 20th, thus ending WW two and ensuring that the Nazi regime gained control of the entire world. The weapon , code named Liebchen, was dropped by Nazi sympathizers in the US military. The device was a twenty kiloton U-235 bomb.  Faced with possible obliteration from the invincible flying fortress' the United States formally surrendered to the Nazi's. 

Two months later, behemoth tanks waving the Swastika flag traveled down 5th Avenue in Manhattan, while smiling Nazi troopers waved to the crowds gathered. Hitler made his speech at the base of the Statue of Liberty. The world was truly unified under the flag of the 3rd Reich. 

Every Jan 20th afterwards they celebrate Unification Day. Unification day is to be celebrated by every citizen, it is the law.  

The program of unification divided up America into balkanized states. 

There have been plenty of wars since then.  The last major battle had been against the Russian-Japanese federation in the 1960's when the federation had been pacified. 

The States is also at war with Canada, although the border skirmishes hardly amounted to anything more than a brush war.  In 2193 the city state of Calgary declared its independence.  The city fathers executed the viceroy, and a hoard of roamers and outlanders massed on the Canadian border to help repel the invasion forces from the states. After a half dozen skirmishes and two major half way major offenses the Roamer gangs melted away allowing the Nazi's to reclaim the city. However, it was a Pyrrhic victory as the city had been burned to the ground. 

Hitler died sometime around 2030. Before his death however, he had his face added to Mount Rushmore.  The Kane of the real Outlanders casement ended up destroying it using the Ogre tank's main weapons.

Although the second world war had greatly depopulated the planet from what the nazi's considered inferior races, there were still many left.  After the program of unification, global sterilization was put into effect, although economically it wasn't feasible. Too many man hours were wasted on rounding up those of undesirable traits.  

Paranoia and fear is commonplace in the world now. People disappear for the slightest infraction and punishment is often swift and very final. Many people cannot live under these conditions and suicides are not uncommon, though many of those who manage to escape interrogation due to their actions end up joining the growing underground or the many roamer gangs. 

Entertainment is almost non existent.  The television is allowed only in common rooms and officers lounges.  Here the shows consist mainly of propaganda.  Once a week the triumph of will was aired. Sometimes they aired ancient three stooges shows made in the 1930's.  This served as an object lesson about the kind of entertainment enjoyed by the pre-unification Americans, but also as the kind of cretinous breeds that brought so much Chaos to the country.  

Like all military dictatorships, storm troopers are evident everywhere in the cities and towns, and weapon platforms are set up on corners to ensure that any unrest is dealt with swiftly and finally. 

The population is controlled via purity control, where only certain people are allowed to reproduce, those with the desired traits.  They had classifications of breeder types, all the way up to level four, the elite of the elite.  Level one breeders are not allowed to breed, as they suffer from genetic damage, have unacceptable genetic mutations, etc.  Level two breeders are barely acceptable.  They are only allowed to become menial laborers, doing the kind of work that would be considered beneath slaves. Level three breeders are the majority of the populace, those who have enough Arian traits to take most jobs, be in the military and so forth.  Those of level four are the ones who become officers, politicians and heads of state. They have the perfect Arian traits. 

In the military, officers competed greatly against each other for position, often resorting to planting evidence to frame others, down to straight out assassination. Those of level three breeding stock are allowed into the military but only inasmuch as grunt work.  None except level four breeders are allowed to become officers. This does put a lot of resentment against officers but it is carefully controlled through dolled out favors and out right terror. Officers are for the most part, untouchable. The uniform is similar to that of WW2 Nazi's but instead of having the Swastika they have three black inverted triangles set on a red background.

This pyramid shape replaced the swastika nearly a century before.  It was supposed to represent a pseudomystical trinity functioning in a greater, all-embracing body.

As with the Outlanders world, the nazi's had a group of secret chiefs that were something more than myth and legend.  The reason behind their dominance of the world and providing the Nazi war machine with the high tech that allowed them to defeat the allied forces. The leader of these secret chiefs was a man named Balam. 

The biggest problem they had was with Roamer gangs, fighting against an exterior and interior enemy. The roamers are working quite often in conjunction with the underground, acting as the grunt work or in many cases, acting as a distraction for the underground to stage internal attacks. 

In this casement, Kane is a Major in the military, and a knight, a man to be both feared and respected.  He is the hero of the Calgary front campaign and a member of the Rapier legion. His doppelganger was a cold hearted bastard, a back stabber, rapist, liar and ruthless, and arrogant beyond belief.  

Brigid Baptist is a Captain as well. She works as a decipher in the Chancellery. Her doppelganger is having an affair with a married colonel and she is depressed and paranoid most of the time. 

Like Kane, Grant is a Major. 

Dulce, New Mexico became New Thule, after the Nazi's took control of the states. It has a population of a little over 4000.  It is also a breeding ground for hybrids, both the archon/human hybrids as well as many of the genetic experiments, such as the Battle Class Hybrids.

Over the years and after many failures, the Nazi's managed to perfect the next breed of mankind. The battle class hybrids.  All the imperfections were genetically bred out of the creatures and they were created to view mankind as prey.  They were to replace humanity. They were created using part of Balam's genetic structure.

Balkanized States Map

Created on 02/18/01