Ourboros Obscura

This creature was almost a myth with the Magistrates. It was encountered many years before during the numerous excursions into the outlands. It was first mentioned in Armageddon Axis, but not actually seen until Wreath of Fire.

Ourboros Obscura was quite large, being nine feet or longer in length, and from Kane's brief glance, looked like it was scaled. Tentacles sprouted from the wedge shaped head that was at least two axe handles wide. Eyes occupied space on either side of it's huge curved mouth, but they were milky white with blindness. The scales were a mottled bluish brown, some of them black with age or disease. 

This creature could move through sand and earth as if it were nothing more than water. It attacked its prey by burrowing up underneath it at incredible speed, using that and surprise to drag potential meals back into the earth where it would try to eat at its leisure.

Kane killed the creature when it dragged him down by inserting his double barreled shotgun into the creatures huge mouth and pulled the trigger.