
The result of genetic engineering to create a race of humanoids that could survive and thrive in the post nuclear environment.  It is not known if the results were a success or a failure. Generally they are of low intelligence and are exceptionally hostile, as well as being prone to cannibalism.  They derive their name from the mutation they possess.  Powerful suction-cups on their hands and feet, sometimes even on their tongues.

There are several variations of the mutant race, some possessing no mouths or ears and are little more than animals, while there was a breed that was hermaphrodite in nature, being able to both impregnate and carry young. The third variation were those who possessed the same level of intelligence as normal humans.

The most common factor regarding the mutant race is their love for fire and explosions. Any fire or explosion will send them into a near sexual frenzy, no matter their level of intelligence.

Due to the hostile nature of this race, they were hunted down and almost wiped out to extinction during the program of unification years.

Art by Karine