Swamp Vines

In Doomstar Relic Kane came under attack from a group of Swampies while in the Louisana bayous. During the flight from the mutants he was attacked by a deadly mutated swamp plant.

The plant has a large number of vines that stretch out from its base. These vines act as a sensor, alerting the plant to any potential prey. When prey was found, it attacked its intended victims using thick vines to first slow them down or stop them. The vines were as thick as a man's wrist and very strong. Some of the vines were tipped with a wicked thorn, similar to that of a cats.  The thorn injected a toxin which if enough was injected into the victim, would cause total paralysis, even death.

The vines were about twenty feet in length and grew out of a large flowery plant which had the shape of a large shallow bowl. The bowl was about six feet in diameter.  The rim was lined with fur like hairs and the inner rim was a rich blood red. The bowl opened and closed almost like a mouth and around the base of the mutant plant were scattered bones of old victims.

From the condition of the bones it was clear that the interior of the mouth was coated in a strong acid.