Armageddon Axis

The redoubt in Dulce New Mexico is yet again visited by the group, but this time while they reach it by heading out in a Sandcat.  They are there to stop the harvesting of organs that the barons need.  They attack and cause an Aurora to crash into the base, almost destroying it entirely.

After the havoc caused by Ryan's people nearly a century before was never recovered from. The place is still a huge treasure trove of predark goods, weapons, vehicles etc.  Very few of the cybernetically enhanced government officials are still alive and most of those who are are incurably insane.  It's a massive complex just waiting for the right people to come around and take control of it.

Level 2

Level 5

Level 7

A couple of miles away from the Anthill complex is a hidden valley. There is a huge hanger complex filled with all manner of proto type craft, including the original Aurora.