The Baronial Guards

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Physically the guards appear to be human, large and powerfully built and perfect specimens of human male beauty. The uniform of the guards is always a white uniform jacket, red trousers and polished black knee boots.

The duties of the guards was simple. They moved about the Baron's personal level checking to make sure that there were no intruders and guarding the baron. They were not taken from the Magistrate division.

The guards may look pretty and useless but they are efficient combat machines, quick and deadly as well as immensely strong. The are the result of genetic engineering. The blood of the guards is thin and pale and when they are injured they do not even show pain, they seem to be totally immune to it. 

The guards can take an inhuman amount of damage before going down. Grant and Kane shot one three times at point blank range in the stomach to chest and all it did was anger the guard. 

The bone structure of the guards are bonded with a ceramic alloy effectively doubling the strength and density of the bone. The epidermal layer of the body was very tough especially around the vital organs. The guards are very tough hombres.

The downside of the baronial Guards is that they are not too intelligent. They were created to defend the Barons from any possible attackers, not to analyze and think.

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