Lost World

The legacy of the twentieth century was the world - wasting nuclear firestorm that destroyed a way of life forever. Civilisation is in ruins, its pitiful remnants perverted by brute force, and mankind is less at home on the planet than ever before. Yet in the desolation that is the Deathlands, an intrepid group of wayfarers continues the determined fight for survival and a better future.

Through a Mirror

Leaving a western ville besieged by desert pirates in search of the legendary cities of the Spanish conquistadors, Ryan Cawdor and his warrior survivalists enter a hidden valley untouched by civilisation. Here the descendants of the first people are at one with nature, following their sacred and mystical traditions. But deep in the valley is an awesome force, a power that can freely heal...or wantonly destroy.

In the Deathlands life is locked in mortal combat, and the only way out is the future.


First Printing: May 1997

Total Pages: 338

Written By: Currently Classified.

Book Summary.

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