Fort Security

Fort Security is the name of the fortress housing Cort Strasser's Pony Soldiers.

The fortress was originally a museum, but it was discovered by mercies and taken over as a base in their battle against the Apaches of Drowned Squaw Canyon.

Strasser came upon the scene around May 2104 and quickly took control of the base and its men, killing all those who opposed him.

Originally, the museum had been covered by a rock slide just after the war. Only a part of the roof remained exposed. Many years later, a seismic movement caused the museum to be exposed once again.

It contains a security block, the museum to the rear of the fort which was the original structure of the base. It also contained a separated building for administrative duties, and this is where Strasser has his private quarters and office. A separate building contains the soldiers quarters, mess-hall and privy. Finally, a stable was built to house the men's ponies.

The wall and several of the buildings were created after the museum was taken over.

All the men of the Pony Soldiers use the uniforms and weapons of the 7th Calvary.

Created on 07/18/97

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