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Sex: Female

Age: 16-26

Height: 5.2

Weight: 120 pounds

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Ruby Red

Distinguishing Features: Albino

First Appearance: Exile to Hell

Place of Birth: Cuprum, a small ville in southwestern Idaho.

Known Relatives: None

Preferred Weapons:

Clothing: Typically nothing, but inside the redoubt she wears red stockings, very short cutoff shorts and a small shirt.

Commonly Carried Equipment: Her handgun.

Domi is a typical outlander girl with one exception. She is a pure albino. She was born and grew up in a small ville in southwestern Idaho known as Cuprum. In 2196 she left the ville to explore. It was in December of 2197 that she met the man Guana Teague the pit boss of Cobaltville. In exchange for sexual service he had her implanted with a bogus idenity chip and brought her into the ville.

She served Teague despite her disgust and hatred for him. Up until the day she met the Magistrates Grant and Kane. In the fail assasination attempt against Grant she gets the chance to extract revenge on the man. She cuts his throat, killing the man. From that point on she developed a strong attraction for Grant.

She is a very wild girl and quite open with her sexuality. It doesn't help matters much that she is very well endowed and downright beautiful. She has tried on many occasions since her rescue to make love to Grant but each time he has turned her down. It became something of a game with the two of them. She has become very protective of Grant and considers several of her fellow exiles in the Cerberus redoubt to be competition, especially the doctor Dafoe. When it comes to Beth Li Rouche she out right hates the woman. But she has become quite good friends with the former Archivist Brigid Baptist.

When she is nervous her speech tends to become somewhat clipped, but despite her life in the Outlands she is fairly intelligent.

Her True age has never been determined, and she could be anywhere from sixteen to twenty six years of age. This is one of the reasons Grant has never given into her advances. The age difference.

She has also become quite fond of Lakesh, the leader of the exiles in Cerberus. She seems to take great delight in walking around Cerberus naked or wearing nothing but her red stockings. Not that most of the males complain.

Created on 12/25/98

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