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Last Post 3/30/2014 7:29 AM by  Shulpae
Deathland Series
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Shaun L. Poole
New Member
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2/22/2013 3:47 PM
    Does anyone have the Deathland series 1-20 for sale in the Seattle Area? Would be interested in even more if in the Seattle local. I want them in order so I can relive them as I first did years ago.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    2/25/2013 3:29 AM

    Posted By Shaun L. Poole on 2/22/2013 3:47:43 PM
    Does anyone have the Deathland series 1-20 for sale in the Seattle Area? Would be interested in even more if in the Seattle local. I want them in order so I can relive them as I first did years ago.

    Hi there,
    Welcome aboard.

    I don't want to sound flippant here but have you tried local used book stores? From my few travels to your fair land I've always seen many dl and ol books in such places and in rather good condition also.

    Yes, i am that sad, I go all around the world and still spend my time in used book stores, it drives my wife crazy!!


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
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    Shaun L. Poole
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    3/2/2013 4:09 PM
    I too hit used book stores all the time, and to my surprise it seems like 9 out of ten do not carry the Deathland books. Thats why I was so happy to find this jamesaxler site, now I will some day get the whole series to enjoy from book 1 on up.
    Shaun L. Poole
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    9/11/2013 1:50 PM
    Well here I am, still looking for DL books. I would prefer buying in lots of 20 and in order by book number but will buy the whole series at one time if need to.
    All the used book stores in Port Angeles Wa do not have any of the DL series and a couple of them never heard ot James Axler or the DL series.
    Help me get a DL fix after 10+ years without reading these great books. I have seen some of the newer books but I do not want to buy one only to read about something that happened in another book and have no idea what6 the hell they are talking about if you know what I mean.
    Thank you DL fans for any help on this.
    Shaun L. Poole
    New Member
    New Member

    9/12/2013 2:22 PM
    I am beginning to think that no one really has the DL series for sale. I read about books for sale but have not heard from any of the people who say they have books for sale
    Kind of like selling the Brooklyn Bridge except the Brooklyn Bridge actually exists.
    Advanced Member
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    9/12/2013 2:42 PM

    How come you just don't buy them on or Ebay? Probably cheap as hell.

    I know a used book store that has LOTS of old and new Deathlands AND Outlander books. They have been sitting on this store's shelves for years.

    I'm sure they would maybe like to strike up a deal with you to get rid of them. But they are in Orlando Florida.

    Do you want their address and/or phone number?

    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    9/13/2013 2:43 PM


    The books for sale section has not been very active in recent years. The odds are good that the listings you are seeing are very old and the users are long gone. My apologies for any confusion, it is certainly not a deliberate attempt to confuse or defraud you.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
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    9/13/2013 11:31 PM

    Shaun, please give me some examples of the book titles you are seeking. Let me see what I can do for you. I know the ladies who run the used book store, and surely they don't want a lot of money for them.


    Like I wrote before, they have been amassing on their shelves and not moving for years.

    New Member
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    3/30/2014 7:29 AM
        Welcome to the club.  Here is a few avenues that haven't been mention.  I have found Deathland books sold at Fleamarkets and I started my collection at the local library.  The library's here in Maryland have books for sale that are outdated.  Also Amazon sells old books quite cheaply but look at for the price of sending said books to you.
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