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31 Topics and 97 Replies Forum News & Announcements  31  97  IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Latest News/Upgrades/Maintenance
RE: September updates don...
by  slingbld
1/10/2018 8:21 AM
31 97
RE: September updates don...
by  slingbld
1/10/2018 8:21 AM
4 Topics and 9 Replies New Members Click Here  4  9  Posting Rules, FAQs, and Help Documents
RE: Approved or not??
by  Shaun L. Poole
2/16/2013 4:04 PM
4 9
RE: Approved or not??
by  Shaun L. Poole
2/16/2013 4:04 PM
26 Topics and 100 Replies Forum Support  26  100  Having problems using the forums? Ask here for help.
RE: My avatar
by  )3az )3aziah
8/23/2014 10:19 AM
26 100
RE: My avatar
by  )3az )3aziah
8/23/2014 10:19 AM
15 Topics and 52 Replies Website Feedback / Comments  15  52  Have some feedback or suggestions for JamesAxler.com? Want something added? Post it here!
RE: Booklinks broken
by  The Phantom
7/1/2014 12:27 PM
15 52
RE: Booklinks broken
by  The Phantom
7/1/2014 12:27 PM
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230 Topics and 1782 Replies General Discussion  230  1782  A forum for anything not covered in any of the other forums.
Deathlands Subreddit and ...
by  Tsavo
5/8/2023 3:54 AM
230 1782
Deathlands Subreddit and ...
by  Tsavo
5/8/2023 3:54 AM
55 Topics and 72 Replies Reviews  55  72  A forum for reviewing anything besides the books covered in the bibliography
RE: The Happening review
by  Melian
4/7/2013 11:08 PM
55 72
RE: The Happening review
by  Melian
4/7/2013 11:08 PM
3 Topics and 4 Replies PostApocalyptica  3  4
by  Randarchist
10/20/2014 3:09 PM
3 4
by  Randarchist
10/20/2014 3:09 PM
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109 Topics and 737 Replies Outlanders General Discussion  109  737  This forum is for all Outlanders discussion that is not covered in one of the other specific forums.
RE: Warning: GraphicAudio...
by  phasedenergy
5/12/2018 2:09 PM
109 737
RE: Warning: GraphicAudio...
by  phasedenergy
5/12/2018 2:09 PM
15 Topics and 16 Replies Outlanders Books for Trade / Sale  15  16  This forum is for trading and selling books or tapes from the Outlanders series.
Outlanders books for sale
by  Dbrown
2/28/2015 9:15 PM
15 16
Outlanders books for sale
by  Dbrown
2/28/2015 9:15 PM
2 Topics and 5 Replies Outlanders Books and Fan Fiction  2  5  Got some fan fiction you've written that is set in the Outlanders universe? Post it here!
Outlanders Cosmic Rift
by  Maximus
10/23/2013 10:52 AM
2 5
Outlanders Cosmic Rift
by  Maximus
10/23/2013 10:52 AM
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295 Topics and 4166 Replies Deathlands General Discussion  295  4166  This forum is for all Deathlands discussion that is not covered in one of the other specific forums.
Deathlands sub-Reddit is ...
by  pmandryk
6/18/2022 1:11 PM
295 4166
Deathlands sub-Reddit is ...
by  pmandryk
6/18/2022 1:11 PM
50 Topics and 144 Replies Deathlands Books for Trade / Sale  50  144  This forum is for trading and selling books or tapes from the Deathlands series.
Anyone still use these bo...
by  Bridad
10/9/2020 3:14 PM
50 144
Anyone still use these bo...
by  Bridad
10/9/2020 3:14 PM
9 Topics and 514 Replies Deathlands Books and Fan Fiction  9  514  Got some fan fiction you've written that is set in the Deathlands universe? Post it here!
RE: Deathlands: Local Non...
by  Randarchist
7/13/2015 11:36 PM
9 514
RE: Deathlands: Local Non...
by  Randarchist
7/13/2015 11:36 PM
The Ex-Axlers
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3 Topics and 0 Replies Mark Ellis  3  0  A forum for fans of Mark Ellis, creator and long-time author of the Outlanders series.
The Falcon: Resurrected
by  Ron Miles
7/4/2015 12:09 PM
3 0
The Falcon: Resurrected
by  Ron Miles
7/4/2015 12:09 PM
4 Topics and 5 Replies Rik Hoskin  4  5  A forum for fans of Rik Hoskin, author of several Deathlands and Outlanders titles including 'Apocalypse Unborn'.
Hercules: The Legendary J...
by  Ron Miles
11/10/2015 8:29 AM
4 5
Hercules: The Legendary J...
by  Ron Miles
11/10/2015 8:29 AM
1 Topics and 1 Replies Victor Milan  1  1  A forum for fans of Victor Milan, author of several Outlanders and Deathlands titles including 'Devil's Vortex'.
RE: The Dinosaur Lords
by  AP
7/5/2015 10:59 AM
1 1
RE: The Dinosaur Lords
by  AP
7/5/2015 10:59 AM
0 Topics and 0 Replies Alan Philipson  0  0  A forum for fans of Alan Philipson, author of several Deathlands titles including 'End Day'.

0 0

1 Topics and 6 Replies Chuck Rogers  1  6  A forum for fans of Chuck Rogers, author of several Deathlands titles including 'Blood Red Tide'.
RE: Cover artwork for Chu...
by  silentalbino
1/15/2017 6:23 PM
1 6
RE: Cover artwork for Chu...
by  silentalbino
1/15/2017 6:23 PM
0 Topics and 0 Replies Douglas Wojtowicz  0  0  A forum for fans of Douglas Wojtowicz, author of several Outlanders titles including 'Angel of Doom'.

0 0

Other Series
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50 Topics and 12 Replies Rogue Angel  50  12
Rogue Angel 57 - Mystic W...
by  Ron Miles
2/28/2015 6:52 PM
50 12
Rogue Angel 57 - Mystic W...
by  Ron Miles
2/28/2015 6:52 PM
8 Topics and 58 Replies Slaughter Realms  8  58
RE: Is that it for Slaugh...
by  JettaManDan
6/29/2011 12:07 PM
8 58
RE: Is that it for Slaugh...
by  JettaManDan
6/29/2011 12:07 PM
5 Topics and 14 Replies Earthblood  5  14
My last set of Earth Bloo...
by  GuapoPogi
11/2/2017 11:03 AM
5 14
My last set of Earth Bloo...
by  GuapoPogi
11/2/2017 11:03 AM
6 Topics and 20 Replies Room 59  6  20
RE: new books
by  Ron Miles
9/20/2011 6:11 AM
6 20
RE: new books
by  Ron Miles
9/20/2011 6:11 AM
2 Topics and 8 Replies All Other Series  2  8
RE: CRYPTOZOICA ebook kic...
by  )3az )3aziah
7/25/2012 6:56 PM
2 8
RE: CRYPTOZOICA ebook kic...
by  )3az )3aziah
7/25/2012 6:56 PM

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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.