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Last Post 5/18/2014 7:24 PM by  Dexion11
Deathlands books for sale in Phoenix,Az
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9/1/2013 4:22 AM
    Hi, I've been collecting the series since it began and after over 20 years it's time to share them with others. I have almost every book in the series as well as some duplicates. I also have an almost complete collection of Outlanders as well. If anyone local is interested please let me know, I may ship if the price is right. Thanks and hope to see them go to a good home. . . Rudy
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    9/1/2013 8:15 PM
    Nobody missing books? If you are and need any send me the title and I'll see if I can find it for you.
    Shaun L. Poole
    New Member
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    9/7/2013 12:35 PM

    I have been looking for DL books for some time now. Do have the entire series? If you do how much do you want for them, are you willing to sell the first 20 books (how much?) I would like the entire series if possible.

    Contact me at on price and shipping if possible. Thank you, I cannot wait to hear from you.

    Shaun L. Poole
    New Member
    New Member

    9/7/2013 12:42 PM

    I thought I had replied to your books for sale, but I think I may have messed up so lets try this again. I am looking for all the DL books. Let me know what numbers you do have and how much you want, if you are willing to sell some of them or just all you have. Thank you.


    New Member
    New Member

    9/7/2013 7:29 PM

    Hi Shaun, I will check the titles, unfortunately none have numbers so I have to backtrack the titles to see what the first 20 are,but I should have every title up to date. Where are you located, shipping would affect the cost slightly, I'm not looking to get rich on them just want to make room in my house. I will get back to you as soon as possible. . . Rudy

    Shaun L. Poole
    New Member
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    9/11/2013 1:40 PM

    I am looking for the DL series, the more the merrier. I thought I replied to this earlier in the month but have not heard anything since. Still interested if your books are for sale. Just tell me the book numbers you have and we can take it from there.

    Do not put in my spam folder as I do not read those.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Shaun L. Poole
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    9/19/2013 1:47 PM
    I am looking for the whole series as the end result. What I would like is to get the first 20 books then the rest 20 at a time (Really fixed and tight budget) until I get them all. I plan to read them and then donate them to our library system so others can enjoy them as much as I do. So let me know if this is possible and how much you want. I will search for any missing titles if I have to but would prefer not to.
    Shaun L. Poole
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    New Member

    10/4/2013 2:21 PM

    I might be interested, give me a price plus shipping costs. I would like to do 20 of his books at a time if possible or the whole thing if the price is right.

    do you have the first 5 as duplicates? Hope to hear from you on this soon.

    New Member
    New Member

    5/18/2014 7:24 PM
    A bit late to the party but I'm in the phx area and am interested. Still available?
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