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Last Post 8/3/2015 7:36 AM by  Archamedies
Deathlands 121 - End Day
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6/20/2015 9:22 AM
Dont get me wrong, End Day overall isnt bad. It didnt go the way i expected but thats more to do with canon vs head canon plus i find the character Vee to be way too convenient. She had the answer to everything including fitting right in with the companions despite being a life time city dweller and the only excuse was on the job expierence.

My favorite in the later episodes is 119 Blood Red Tide, but then there were some episodes that were so bad that i couldnt even liten to them all the way through. Cant remember wich ones but they were back in the 40's or 50's episodes. I mean, these were so bad they classified in my opinion as BAD FANFICTION!

As far as the Graphic Audio book's, I really like these. If you've never listened to one, you should try them. Unlike normal audio book, these are completely narrated and voice acted with sound FX's and music scores. I dont think i could read a book and not hear these VA's

A lot of the older ones are not abridged *warning, they are no holds (adult/mature content) graphic* most last between 6 to 9 hours. All the newer ones from about mid 70's to current are abridged, more tame and only about 5 hours in length.

Ill save anything else on it for another thread
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7/20/2015 7:09 AM
Well i finally got a copy of the actual book and because my reaction was so bad on the Graphic Audio version of this story, i shall read the full story and compair the two
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/21/2015 6:42 AM

Posted By <span class='af-profile-name'>Archamedies</span> on 7/20/2015 7:09 AM
Well i finally got a copy of the actual book and because my reaction was so bad on the Graphic Audio version of this story, i shall read the full story and compair the two

I would be interested to hear what you think of the book compared to the audio version.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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8/3/2015 7:36 AM

Posted By <span class='af-profile-name'><img src='' align="absmiddle" border="0" class="afEmoticon" />3az )3aziah</span> on 7/21/2015 6:42 AM

Posted By <span class='af-profile-name'>Archamedies</span> on 7/20/2015 7:09 AM
Well i finally got a copy of the actual book and because my reaction was so bad on the Graphic Audio version of this story, i shall read the full story and compair the two

I would be interested to hear what you think of the book compared to the audio version.


Surprisingly, the book and audio book are almost verbatim. You can read the book and listen at the same time. I have finished one and am working on a second. The audio book is 5 hours long and with its voice acting and background audio, you can really immerse yourself into the story.

Outside of sentence restructuring to allow for voice acting vs. Reading they are virtually identical.

So with that said, my stance on the episode has not changed. End Day did not work for me
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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.