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Last Post 1/14/2019 11:51 AM by  medic15al
The guns in deathlands
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9/18/2011 1:36 PM
    Ok, I know this is a dumb question, but are all the main guns that Ryan and co. use all real guns? (that is do they actually exist now) I know most are real, but are any considered "future" guns that dont actually exist?

    Also, the two war wags in book 1 used by the Trader, do they actually exist in real life (are they real actual military trucks?) If so can someone post or link to a picture of what they look like? Or are they made up?
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    9/18/2011 7:54 PM
    Hi! I am a firearms enthusiast and the weapon that the group uses are real.

    Ryan:  SIG P-226. Doesn't have an integral silencer in reallity, but they are commonly uses with screw on suppressors. I carried the SIG P-226 in 9mm and .357Sig as an police officer. The Styer SSG Rifle in 7.62x51 (.308 Win.) is an actual rifle, but the scope technology isnt realized yet.

    Krysty: The Smith & Wesson model 642 .38 Special is an older model all-Stainless steel 5-shot 1 7/8 in Barrel snub-nosed revolver. Very high quality.

    J.B.  :  The Mini-Uzi and the S&W M-3000 shotgun are real but not commonly found. The S&W kinda looks like an Rem 870. Fletchet rounds arent loaded except by small custom ammo makers and are not as effective as OO Buckshot or Slugs due to low mass.

    Mildred: Her ZKR Czech revolver is real, but I have never seen one. Also, as a Paramedic, I can say a lot of the meds and procedures are real also.

    Jak: Colt Python Stainless .357 Magnum... Drool..Slobber.. A premium top of the line revolver made by Colt and wicked accurate.

    Doc: The LeMat revolver is an Cap-and-Ball 9-shot .44 caliber revolver with an about an 18 guage Black powder shotgun barrel in the middle. Long to reload, very well documented figh stopper. In the #100 Prodigal's Return, he found a modern replica chambered for .44 Magnum and 12 ga. This does not exist in reality.

    Dean: Browning Hi-Power 9mm. Quite arguably one of the finest fighting handguns ever made. Legendary in reliability and in natural aiming. Own several and is my choice for every day carry.

    You can Google Image all of their firearms and get an idea what they look like.

    Vehicles? Mostly true except for droids and lasers.  Imangination for folks building wags in that environment.
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    9/19/2011 6:15 AM
    J.B.'s shotgun isn't an M-3000; it's an M-4000. I tried over the years to locate a pic or specs on it, but never could. I came to the conclusion that it doesn't exist. Perhaps the extra thousand in model number was meant to indicate some kind of futuristic "advanced technology"? If 3000 is good, then 4000 has got to be even better? Or maybe it was just a typo perpetuated for 100 books? 

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    9/19/2011 6:55 AM
    Posted By AP on 19 Sep 2011 06:15 AM
    J.B.'s shotgun isn't an M-3000; it's an M-4000. I tried over the years to locate a pic or specs on it, but never could. I came to the conclusion that it doesn't exist. Perhaps the extra thousand in model number was meant to indicate some kind of futuristic "advanced technology"? If 3000 is good, then 4000 has got to be even better? Or maybe it was just a typo perpetuated for 100 books? 


    Possibly a mix up between authors and books. Seems I remember the James written books or abouts it was a 3000, or my mind may say 3000 when he says 4000.

    I try to picture the right guns as I read, but some mistakes like cocking the hammer on Krysty;s .38 tend to surface. The S&W 642 does not have an exposed hammer.. ETC... Mistakes like that.

    I liked it when Krysty carried the H&K P7 M-13.

    Trader was described in one book carrying an M-16A5.  These models are in the testing and eval stage in the USMC, this book was 15 years ago.
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    9/19/2011 7:55 AM
    Yikes! I think the 12-gauge in #100 is supposed to be a 16-gauge. I'll check that out. If it is 12-gauge, that is definitely a typo.
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    9/19/2011 8:07 AM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 19 Sep 2011 07:55 AM
    Yikes! I think the 12-gauge in #100 is supposed to be a 16-gauge. I'll check that out. If it is 12-gauge, that is definitely a typo.
    Book 100?  I thought it was J.B.'s Regular M-4000 (3000)12 ga?

    Just finished reading it last week.

    16ga shotguns are not as commonplace anymore. My favorite guage for hunting. But the 12ga. and 20ga. overshadows it.

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    9/19/2011 9:11 AM
    Sorry--I was referring to Doc's LeMat replica.
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    9/19/2011 9:34 AM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 19 Sep 2011 09:11 AM
    Sorry--I was referring to Doc's LeMat replica.

    Oh...Yeah.. That would be more realistic. It was mentioned IIRC towards the end of the book it was a 12ga, when Doc first took it it really didnt say. I assumed myself it was a 20ga untill I saw where 12ga was mentioned.
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    9/19/2011 9:51 AM
    Wow, lots of details thanks, Ive been googleing those weapons as Im curious what they all look like, the S&W M-3000 shotgun and the Styer SSG Rifle in particular look pretty basass!
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    9/19/2011 10:47 AM
    Ok here we go, here are the images Ive found of what everyone carries if anyone is curious, let me know if any of the images are incorrect.

    Browning Hi-Power 9mm:

    Colt Python Stainless .357 Magnum:

    The Styer SSG Rifle:

    The LeMat revolver:


    S&W M-3000 shotgun:

    SIG P-226:

    Smith & Wesson model 642 .38 Special:

    ZKR Czech revolver:

    Oh and then there of course is The Traders weapon..

    Armalite AR-18 rifle:
    New Member
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    9/19/2011 12:45 PM
    The Real M-3000 doesn't have that magazine box in front of the trigger. Looks just like an Remington 870.

    Close pic tho.
    Basic Member
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    9/19/2011 12:58 PM
    Ahh ok, how about this image medic15al:

    S&M M-3000 Shotgun:

    Also I made a mistake, The trader carried a Armalite AR-15 rifle not a AR-18:

    The Phantom
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    9/19/2011 2:02 PM
    Posted By AP on 19 Sep 2011 06:15 AM
    J.B.'s shotgun isn't an M-3000; it's an M-4000. I tried over the years to locate a pic or specs on it, but never could. I came to the conclusion that it doesn't exist. Perhaps the extra thousand in model number was meant to indicate some kind of futuristic "advanced technology"? If 3000 is good, then 4000 has got to be even better? Or maybe it was just a typo perpetuated for 100 books? 


    All right, here's my M-5000, take that! Or no wait... *chucks in trash* , I'm whippin  out my M-6000! I have you now!!

    Uh oh... is that an M-7000 you're pointing at me...? 

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    9/19/2011 2:49 PM
    Posted By ShadowTek on 19 Sep 2011 12:58 PM
    Ahh ok, how about this image medic15al:

    S&M M-3000 Shotgun:

    Also I made a mistake, The trader carried a Armalite AR-15 rifle not a AR-18:

    Perfect!! Making me drool, now!
    New Member
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    9/19/2011 2:50 PM
    Posted By The Phantom on 19 Sep 2011 02:02 PM
    Posted By AP on 19 Sep 2011 06:15 AM
    J.B.'s shotgun isn't an M-3000; it's an M-4000. I tried over the years to locate a pic or specs on it, but never could. I came to the conclusion that it doesn't exist. Perhaps the extra thousand in model number was meant to indicate some kind of futuristic "advanced technology"? If 3000 is good, then 4000 has got to be even better? Or maybe it was just a typo perpetuated for 100 books? 


    All right, here's my M-5000, take that! Or no wait... *chucks in trash* , I'm whippin  out my M-6000! I have you now!!

    Uh oh... is that an M-7000 you're pointing at me...? 

    M-9800.... Sorry!!! 
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    9/19/2011 3:09 PM
    Check out the DL series origin material in the back of Encounter. From the gitgo it was a S&W M-4000.

    When folks are listing the companions' weapons they should remember that in DL the world ended in 2001 but the books started being written in 1985, so what was cutting edge then (every weapon--with the exception of the nonexistent M-4000--is listed in Jane's Infantry Weapons 1983-84), is pretty much what the heroes got stuck with.

    I guess the M-4000 business means the "weapons' issues" in DL started before the series even got off the ground. So for people to complain about that seems, ah forget it ...
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    9/19/2011 3:09 PM
    hey medic I sent you a msg, but Ill post it here as I imagine others may be curious as I was, The AR-15 seems to be almost the same as the M-16 is there any difference between the two rifles?
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    9/19/2011 3:23 PM
    Posted By AP on 19 Sep 2011 03:09 PM
    Check out the DL series origin material in the back of Encounter. From the gitgo it was a S&W M-4000.

    When folks are listing the companions' weapons they should remember that in DL the world ended in 2001 but the books started being written in 1985, so what was cutting edge then (every weapon--with the exception of the nonexistent M-4000--is listed in Jane's Infantry Weapons 1983-84), is pretty much what the heroes got stuck with.

    I guess the M-4000 business means the "weapons' issues" in DL started before the series even got off the ground. So for people to complain about that seems, ah forget it ...

    Yeah, I went back and saw that. My mistake. I guess I was putting 3000 when it was 4000. Like that H&K G12 Caseless rifle Ryan used a bit. There wasnt a G12, but the G11 Caseless was real and look like the G12 described.
    Basic Member
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    9/19/2011 3:29 PM
    personally I have no complaints, Im not a gun expert like medic15al is, I was curious of what the guns looked like, as I wanna picture what there using, but I understand what your saying, I wonder what differences would have been made if say the books were to start now, as they took the soviet vs usa route, I simply justify it in my own mind as a alternate time line, its funny as in the early books, the vids are tapes and not CDs (were CD around then?)

    To me the alternate time line justifies everything, especially now that I know that all the guns are real, what do you think if the books had started now, there weapons would be? I wonder
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    9/19/2011 3:30 PM
    For ShadowTec:

    Hi! Thanks for the kind words! Been shooting and reloading and loving guns since I was 7.

    The AR-15 is the Civilian legal semi-automatic only version of the M-16. ( note, you can possess Full-auto with a Class-III license with conditions.)

    The M-16, M-16A1 and Colt Commando carbines are select fire ( Safe, Semi, and Full auto)

    M-16A2 is an improved version with a faster barrel twist for the updated M-855(SS109) Green Tip ammo, heavier barrel front end, round forward handguards, and a 3 round Burst instead of full auto.

    M-16A3 is the same as an A2 but has full auto instead of burst. This was an export version and never adopted by the U.S.

    M-16A4 is the same as the A2 but has the removeable carry handle to place optics on the rifle. Some have removeable front sights as well.

    M-16A5 is the rifle lenght upper of an A2 ( 20in Barrel) but has an telescoping buttstock like the M4 carbines. Word is still out whether it will keep burst fire or auto fire. Being evaluated by the USMC as I last heard.

    AR-15 and M-16 family of weapons are chambered in 5.56x45 NATO, (.223 Remington) And there is a 9mm carbine versionas well. Some in .308 (AR-10) and a few in 7.62x39 and 5.45x39 Soviet calibers, but they are not common.

    Check out for info. Warning! Major jackholes on the General discussion group.
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