Jax2Published Author  Veteran Member Posts:269  
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
8/2/2013 8:35 AM |
Don't know why the link isn't working, trying again here...
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
The Phantom Basic Member Posts:219  
8/3/2013 9:12 PM |
A detective series by Mark Ellis? That sounds like something I could sink my teeth into. Gotta admit, my only experience with "detective" series would be Hardy Boys and Alfred Hitchcock's Three Investigators... 
Agent_Thrush New Member Posts:11  
8/10/2013 1:09 AM |
I LOVED those two book series. I gobbled up the Three Investigators when I was a kid. It's too bad that kids these days read such drivel, almost all of which seems to be about teenage angst via werewolves and other such animals.
Jax2Published Author  Veteran Member Posts:269  
The Phantom Basic Member Posts:219  
2/17/2014 3:14 PM |
Posted By Jax2 on 2/17/2014 10:32:46 AM
I have a feeling the reason for posting the link to this article will most likley become apparent in very short order:
Would this be in reference to a recent reappearance of a certain uh... cyclopian? 
Outlanders Veteran Member Posts:163  
2/17/2014 3:28 PM |
Oh he's never left... his sock puppet has been here for quite some time now. I'm just surprised it took this long for him to get back his alias. In fact my latest blog will shed some very interesting light. Should make for entertaining reading. http://d-infinity.net/blo...-and-true-plagiarism
silentalbino Advanced Member Posts:742  
2/17/2014 5:30 PM |
I never knew you used to run this site with Ron.
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
2/17/2014 6:14 PM |
Hey Chris nice to hear from you again. I enjoyed the blog and spent some time reading the back posts, I've book marked it and will be dropping in to read the updates. I noticed that one eye had posted again and wondered why Ron had let him through the net? Care to PM me with the name of the standing SP ? Jim
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
2/17/2014 8:55 PM |
It's not so much that I let him through the net, as that he came in while I was distracted with family matters. It's taken care of now.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
2/17/2014 9:02 PM |
Posted By silentalbino on 2/17/2014 5:30:10 PM
I never knew you used to run this site with Ron.
Well, here's how it happened: Back in the late 90's, when the internet was wild and young and dinosaurs roamed the earth (although Mark might argue that dinosaurs still roam the earth if you know what island to look on), there were basically three websites of any worth dedicated to James Axler. First and foremost was Chris' site, which you can still find a copy of here today although unfortunately some of the images have been corrupted in the ensuing decade and a half. The second was a site by an Australian guy named Alex Madison, which was a detailed timeline of events. Then the third was mine, which was entirely focused on a bibliography. I staked a claim on the JamesAxler.com domain, and then I invited Chris and Alex to join me on the site and bring all of our content under one roof. Somewhere shortly after that Chris also created the first Outlanders fan site, which was also eventually hosted here. For a long while Chris hosted a Deathlands/Outlanders message board, and when there were hosting troubles with that it was eventually folded in here as well.
These days, of course, Chris has moved on to other pursuits. But there is no question that his was the first, best, and most complete James Axler resource on the internet bar none.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Outlanders Veteran Member Posts:163  
2/17/2014 9:51 PM |
Hi, Jim - Thanks man... yeah I've been extremely busy. Although it only took me 3 months to write 'Dark Inheritance'. It's currently in the hands of my editor and should be available by the time I head down to Comicpalooza in Houston at the end of May. I did post the cover for the book over on the general forum a few months back. As I stated in a different thread, I typically only come around about once every three months or so. My writing, as well as all my RPG design has been eating a lot of my spare time. I do post on facebook all the time however. So Baz if you have an account, just look up Chris Van Deelen and add me. I am pleased to say that my career is really starting to pick up and my writing future is starting to look a lot brighter. =) And you won't see me trying to steal anyone's work and pass it off as my own, that's for damned sure. As for what Ron said, I really couldn't say it any better. Kind of sad that I ended up abandoning both sites, but why put so much time and effort into it for not even a free book every few months, right? Still, it's kind of nice to go back and see the old site once in a blue moon.
silentalbino Advanced Member Posts:742  
2/18/2014 5:27 AM |
Congratulations on getting your book published, I'm always telling my missus that I'm going to write a book one day but never get past page one.
The Phantom Basic Member Posts:219  
2/18/2014 12:51 PM |
Posted By Outlanders on 2/17/2014 9:51:07 PM
I am pleased to say that my career is really starting to pick up and my writing future is starting to look a lot brighter. =)
That is great to hear!  
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
2/18/2014 3:08 PM |
Posted By Ron Miles on 2/17/2014 8:55:48 PM
It's not so much that I let him through the net, as that he came in while I was distracted with family matters. It's taken care of now.
Sorry Ron my last post came over all wrong there. Re reading it now it sounds as if I was saying it was purely your fault he had got through and that you could no longer be bothered with the site security anymore. I did not mean this at all so please dont thing wrong of me.
I'm glad things are slowly starting to look up for you and your Son, its about time the Sun shined on you.
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
Outlanders Veteran Member Posts:163  
2/19/2014 7:28 PM |
Jim, FYI I couldn't send you a PM for some reason. Did not find the button or anything. Sorry man. just email me at chrisv@nucleus.com