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Last Post 5/12/2018 2:09 PM by  phasedenergy
Warning: GraphicAudio Ceasing All Support For Outlanders
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5/13/2016 6:31 AM
    Warning: GraphicAudio Ceasing All Support For Outlanders


              It's truly sad when GraphicAudio ceased producing Outlanders at #50. Now it seems that they want to drop the entire Outlanders series from their catalog. What does this mean to their customers of Outlanders? It means that this is your last chance to download any copies of your old purchases. Once they drop the series from their catalog, there will be no way to obtain any of your purchases in case you delete or lose them from your home computer or portable players. So now is the time to make sure that you have a complete backup of all your Outlanders purchases.  GraphicAudio does offer a way to backup existing purchases. You can contact their support and purchase inexpensive USB flash drives from them and they'll copy your existing purchases to them.


    $40 PNY 128GB Flash Drive

    $25 PNY 64GB Flash Drive

    $15 PNY 32GB Flash Drive

    GraphicAudio is also offering a Flash Drive with Outlanders #1-50 for $364.75.  Too bad GraphicAudio ceased all Outlanders production at #50. Does anyone know of any alternative companies that is producing audio books for Outlanders?




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    5/15/2016 11:20 AM
    GA simply ran through their inventory...not to mention, there's been shenanigans about my royalties for the audio books for many years now and I think GA just got caught in the middle so it's possible they're trying to disentangle themselves.

    However, this is actually to my advantage.
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    5/15/2016 12:02 PM

    Well if it's to your advantage, will there be any future plans for Outlanders audiobooks with another publisher? I just dislike how GA is treating their customers who purchased the series. Even when we have a few entitlements to download copies of the books, they're going to void it all and removed it from their servers. I also found some problems with their order tracking system. I found 10 Outlander books missing from my order history over the years and a few Deathland books too. 

    Update:  GA Customer Support identified the accounting issue and added all the missing Outlander & Deathlands titles to my account.
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    5/12/2018 2:09 PM
    Seems like our friend Mark has provided us with, possibly, a way to get an outlanders fix:      Parallax Prime: Of Dire Chimeras.
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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.