Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
11/1/2008 8:46 AM |
This is the official thread for comments on Room 59 #5 - The Finish Line
The bibliography page is located HERE
You can submit your own review HERE
Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Axlerite New Member Posts:6  
11/1/2008 3:08 PM |
Well, with the fifth book into the series, GE is now going to destroy what I thought of as pretty cool covers into something completely drab and unimaginative. Ugghh.
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
11/1/2008 7:01 PM |
Yeah, I'm not overly fond of the new cover style either. Still, the series has been pretty good so far. Hopefully it will stick around for a while.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Axlerite New Member Posts:6  
11/27/2008 9:21 PM |
Room 59 has been cancelled as of book 6. A friend of mine works at eharlequin and heard it from one of the editors.
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
11/27/2008 9:49 PM |
What a shame, I liked them.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Axlerite New Member Posts:6  
11/27/2008 9:58 PM |
Damn. That stinks. Just finished reading #3 the other day and liked it. Only up-side to this is that it will save me a little money and shelfspace for all of the other GE books I collect......which is pretty much all of them!! Oh, well...
11/27/2008 11:15 PM |
Maybe if they had Mark Ellis working on it...
Axlerite New Member Posts:6  
12/3/2008 11:32 PM |
Just received this month's GE books; two Bolan's and DL. In the back of each, where they do the promotions for upcoming books, there are two pages promoting the next Room 59 book. One page is the usual synopsis, the other promoting the " brand new look". If the series is being cancelled, is this a last ditch effort to try to drum up more sales? Or is this just more poor marketing by GE? I find this all very strange and am quite confused.
Millennial Man New Member Posts:34  
12/4/2008 1:21 PM |
[QUOTE]kim d wrote
Room 59 has been cancelled as of book 6. A friend of mine works at eharlequin and heard it from one of the editors.
Well what do you expect from GE?
Wordsmith-repriseFreelance Editor  Basic Member Posts:150  
12/4/2008 7:48 PM |
It was a Marketing decision, not a Gold Eagle decision.
Millennial Man New Member Posts:34  
12/6/2008 3:03 PM |
[QUOTE]Wordsmith-reprise wrote
It was a Marketing decision, not a Gold Eagle decision.
To me there is no difference.
Wordsmith-repriseFreelance Editor  Basic Member Posts:150  
12/6/2008 7:47 PM |
There is a major difference. GE is a minor cog in the juggernaut wheel that is Harlequin Enterprises. Harelquin is a marketing-driven company. It has to be in order to sell the millions of books that it does. There is a major difference between a group of people who acquire and edit m****cripts and the group of people who decide if a series is profitable. They are completely different untis.
Axlerite New Member Posts:6  
12/6/2008 8:56 PM |
Thanks for clarifying that. I was confused by your initial post. Since I've been collecting and reading GE books for the past twenty years, I'm always inclined to think of them as their own entity. Your explanation reminded me how the world really works, no matter what business or field. I feel like a real naive dunce for not applying what I already know to this situation as well!
In your opinion, or factual knowledge, does the decision to change a series' cover art format rest with GE or Harlequin?
Wordsmith-repriseFreelance Editor  Basic Member Posts:150  
12/7/2008 8:42 AM |
Sorry. I can't comment on that as I have no knowledge of that process at Harlequin.
mikeclr Basic Member Posts:197  
12/7/2008 4:50 PM |
You wouldn't happen to be one of the Room 59 authors by any chance?
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
12/7/2008 5:27 PM |
No, she is an editor for GE.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Millennial Man New Member Posts:34  
12/8/2008 4:48 PM |
[QUOTE]Wordsmith-reprise wrote
GE is a minor cog in the juggernaut wheel that is Harlequin Enterprises. Harelquin is a marketing-driven company. It has to be in order to sell the millions of books that it does. There is a major difference between a group of people who acquire and edit m****cripts and the group of people who decide if a series is profitable. They are completely different untis.
So then why doesn't Harlequin sell GE or let it become independent to produce the kind of books the readers want ?
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
12/8/2008 5:03 PM |
I think you are getting a bit of the Oz effect around GE. Gold Eagle is, basically, a very small handful of people (mostly editors). Like, perhaps a half dozen people. GE does not have printing or distribution capacity without Harlequin. All GE does is hire writers to fill the pages of books and artists to fill the covers of books, and hand over those pages and covers to Harlequin to meet the printing schedule. Harlequin then physically manufactures, distributes, and markets those books. Without Harlequin, there is no Gold Eagle, plain and simple. If Harlequin isn't seeing a return on their investment, they will stop distributing a title, it's really that simple. I know that GE had high hopes for Room 59, but it appears they just didn't pan out.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents