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Last Post 11/23/2011 10:21 AM by  Harry Whittleberry 2
Arctic Fires from Siberia
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3/23/2009 10:24 AM
    When I was a senior in High school I took a Science Fiction class, one day my teacher gives us an assignment to write a short story. Being that I have read many Outlander books I thought I would make my own.
    So began my book Arctic Fires from Siberia, the setting is placed near a Native American village in Nightmute Alaska near the Bearing Straight. After the nuke caust the Inuit tribes have been able to thrive without international intervention, so have the Siberian peoples evolved. I want to include a Viking culture, some pagan gods, I will update this topic however, due to some complications in the plot I would rather not embarrass myself. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

    P.C. Leiter
    New Member
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    3/23/2009 1:06 PM
    There was the Viking culture/pagan Norse god culture in Equinox Zero...that was always one of my favorite of the 'lost world' type of stories Mark wrote.
    New Member
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    3/26/2009 10:48 AM
    When I began to change the characters in my creation that may become the greatest fail ever, excluding Victor Milan's "Lords of the Deep." I have become familiar with the fact that I am not educated in writing. I have no credibility. I am going into Law School and I build robots my resume is diverse enough. However I will update this Topic when developments occur.
    Harry Whittleberry 2
    Basic Member
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    11/23/2011 5:34 AM
    what are you on about here i dont understand you. why are you riting a book when you are at law school and why do you buold robots
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/23/2011 8:02 AM
    Oh come do realize that post is over two years old don't you?
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    Harry Whittleberry 2
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/23/2011 10:21 AM
    is it and does that meen i cant reply to it becos its so old
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