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0 Replies and 3663 Views Web Host Move  3663  0 Started by  Ron Miles I just wanted to let folks know that as of July 6th we have moved to a new web host. We had several times in the last week where the site went offline for no good reason, and in one case it stayed offline for more than five hours. That is unacceptable. If you are reading this, that means you are seeing the new host. If you saw a maintenance page earlier, that was during the transition period. If you notice any issues, please let me know.
0 3663
7/6/2011 10:15 PM
10 Replies and 4533 Views New Look...  4533  10 Started by  )3az )3aziah Bloody hell Ron, I logged in now and wondered what the heck had gone on here. The new look is rather posh I would say. I do like it a lot -but in some ways feel the loss for the old look... Jim
10 4533
by  JettaManDanJump to last post
6/29/2011 12:04 PM
0 Replies and 3899 Views Sorry for the outage  3899  0 Started by  Ron Miles Sorry the website was offline for a while. As near as I can tell at some point the web session ended and then when it restarted it did not compile properly. A quick reset put things back in order. Not sure how long it was down, but all should be good now.
0 3899
5/23/2011 10:05 AM
0 Replies and 3761 Views Site Updates  3761  0 Started by  Ron Miles FYI - I just installed updates to the site software (upgraded to DotNetNuke 5.5.1) as well as updates to the forum software (upgraded to Active Forums 4.2.7 and Active Social 1.8.2).  As always, if you notice any issues please let me know so that I can address them. If any of you follow security bulletins you may have heard about a security issue with .NET this past week, referred to as the POET attack.  The site upgrades I just ran will protect the site from this attack, so we have nothing t...
0 3761
9/24/2010 8:16 PM
3 Replies and 4089 Views Updated forum software  4089  3 Started by  Ron Miles I just updated the forum software (Active Forums and Active Social) to the latest versions.  I see that I have template issues in several places, which I will work to resolve over the weekend.  If you run into any particular problems please let me know so that I can address them.  I am particularly interested in any screens where you cannot read the text because of bad font and background colors.
3 4089
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
7/3/2010 11:43 AM
0 Replies and 3650 Views Update to DNN 5.4.4  3650  0 Started by  Ron Miles I just finished updating the website software to DotNetNuke v5.4.4, and it went very smoothly (although I suspect Daegan got to witness the actual upgrade screen, which was probably a little surprising....). I also have updates for the forum software (Active Forums) as well as the Active Social module that drives the entire social aspect of the website.  Those updates are a little trickier, so I am running a full backup of the website, both file structure and database, before I attempt them o...
0 3650
7/1/2010 11:53 PM
12 Replies and 4557 Views Update to DNN 5.4.1  4557  12 Started by  Ron Miles Sorry about the disruption this morning.  I upgraded the website to DotNetNuke v5.4.1 and initially the upgrade went very poorly.  I eventually got it worked out, and everything looks good now.  Please let me know if you encounter any problems.
12 4557
by  mikeclrJump to last post
5/20/2010 1:29 PM
4 Replies and 4121 Views Site Updates  4121  4 Started by  Ron Miles I have just completed updating the website to DotNetNuke v5.1.4, and also upgrading the Active Forums module to v4.1.16 and the Active Social module to v1.2.7.  Please let me know if you notice anything broken or otherwise odd.
4 4121
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
1/22/2010 7:50 AM
6 Replies and 3510 Views Site Upgrades  3510  6 Started by  Ron Miles Just updated the site to DotNetNuke Community Edition v5.01.01, plus updated Active Forums and Active Social to the latest versions.  Apparently something broke, because I am not seeing the groups or messaging anymore.  I will look into it more later tonight.  Sorry.
6 3510
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
8/19/2009 5:47 PM
0 Replies and 3990 Views Sorry for the interruption  3990  0 Started by  Ron Miles On the off chance that anybody noticed it, sorry for the interruption over the weekend where it was impossible to log into the website.&160; The newest version of DotNetNuke was released on Christmas Eve and I tried to run the upgrade, but while it appeared to go properly I quickly discovered that the login and register pages effectively disappeared.&160; Earlier today I restored the site back to where it was before the upgrade, and I am working in the DNN forums now to find a resolution.&160...
0 3990
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
12/29/2008 7:48 PM
0 Replies and 3952 Views You're wondering, What the heck happened to the forum?!?  3952  0 Started by  Ron Miles So, you are probably reading this thread and asking yourself what in the heck happened&160; Where did all of the posts go I can reassure you that nothing has been lost, all of those archived posts are still there.&160; I may yet decide to make them visible in an archive, but not just yet.&160; Here is what happened: I have been very unhappy with the forum software I have been using on the site since I moved to DotNetNuke.&160; At the time I did the migration, I did not like the stock for...
0 3952
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
4/20/2008 1:34 AM
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