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Sex: Male

Age: 227 (Appears to be in 60’s)(as of Crater Lake)

Height: 6'.4"

Weight: 150 (Thanks Mr. James!)

Hair Color: White (kept fairly long, thinning)

Eye Color: Pale Blue.

Distinguishing Features: Old

First Appearance: Pilgrimage to hell.

Place of Birth: South Strafford, Vermont, February 14th, 1868

Known Relatives: Emily Louise Chandler (wife), Dead, Rachel (daughter), deceased at age three in 1896. Jolyon (son), deceased at age one in 1896.

Favorite Quote: By the Three Kennedy's

Preferred Weapons: Le-mat, sword cane.

Clothing: Frock coat cracked knee high boots, a white shirt, and pants. Uses a kerchief with blue swallow eye design. He used to carry a stove pipe hat, but got sick of it and threw it away in Homeward Bound.

Commonly Carried Equipment: Ammunition for his weapons.

Ryan and Traders people rescued doc from the Ville of Mocsin. At the time he was rescued, Jordan Teauge and Cort Strasser were using him as nothing more than a court jester. If he ever failed to impress Strasser, Doc was forced to mate with pigs.

He speaks in a very strange manner, almost Victorian. Physically, he is very tall and skinny. His face is deeply lined and framed by long gray hair. He has perfect teeth and speaks with a deep, rich voice which commands attention. He is a doctor of Philosophy, as well as having studied Ichthyology.

It isn’t until Red Holocaust that his full name is finally revealed.

The poor old devil is quite absent minded, and is prone to muttering and rambling to himself. This hides a sharp mind that has a great deal of knowledge about the redoubts and the projects carried on inside them.

He gained this information from during the time he spent with the white-coats after being time trawled. His companions believe he is a few rounds short of a full magazine because of the ‘gentle’ treatment he received at the hands of Strasser and Teauge. This isn’t the truth, it is because of the time trawling experiment which also caused him to age far beyond his actual age.

His knowledge concerning the redoubts and Mat-Trans units also includes the access code to the redoubts and the fact that each Mat-Trans has an automatic return button, which if pressed, will return whatever was transported into it thirty minutes later, if it is desired.

He seems to know something about Ryan. He mentions to Ryan that he has heard a tale about a barony to the east, lead by a Cawdor who had twin sons. The Barony was lost due to tragedy and treachery. Where he learned this information was never revealed.

Doc is forced to kill the Apostle Herve in order to save his life. This is the first time he has ever been forced to take a life. This happened in Red Holocaust.

It is discovered in Crater Lake that Tanner was the only successful subject ever trawled through time. Click here for more information. He is actually known to the scientists of Wizard Island, because of this fact.

After continuously attempting to return to his own time, the white coats sent him one hundred years into the future, and he ended up near the ville of Mocsin (mentioned above). To the ville, it was as if he appeared out of no where about a year before Ryan and his friends rescued him from the ville.

Sadly, he tends to slip into insanity after bad jumps or tragic events, such as the death of Lori Quint in Ice and Fire and the triple jump they were forced to edure in Northstar Rising.

He speaks often and fondly of his wife and family that were taken from him when he was time trawled into the future. He recalls about his one and only vacation with his wife in the summer of 1896 with the Apaches of New Mexico.

He was taught fencing by Adelmo Sicilio while staying in boston.

When he was but a young man, he had the privilege to meet General Grant, sadly, the meeting took place on Grants death bed.

Created on 07/14/97

Updated on 11/04/97

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