Man who's eyes see more


Sex: Male

Age: Unknown.

Height: 7 feet tall

Weight: 120 pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Deep Brown

Distinguishing Features: Skinny as a whip, always wears mirror sunglasses.

First Appearance: Pony Soldiers.

Final Appearance: Dectra Chain.

Place of Birth: Drowned Squaw Canyon, New Mexico

Known Relatives: None.

Anglo Name: Donfil More.

Preferred Weapons: .50 caliber sharps buffalo rifle, a Smith and Wesson distinguished combat .357 Magnum.

Clothing: Wears a pair of seersucker pants, with one leg missing up to the knee. He also wore a white stripped cotton shirt and a brocade waistcoat with pearl buttons. Around his neck he wore a bright red cravat.

Commonly Carried Equipment: Mirror shades.

Man who's eyes see more was the Shaman of the Drowned Squaw Apache tribe. He held this honor because of his knowledge in healing as well as being a partial Doomie, much like Krysty Wroth.

He saved young Jak Lauren's life after the boy broke his ribs falling into a deep pit in which he broke several ribs and suffered internal injuries.

Man who's eyes see more, along with Cuchillo Oro gave each member of Ryan's band their apache names. Doc is the only one who didn't receive his name as Man who's eyes see more knew he really didn't belong in this time or place.

While Ryan and the band were with the tribe, he and Man who's eyes see more became friends, and it was on his warning that Ryan and the rest left bright and early the day after the pony soldiers were finally defeated and destroyed. He knew how the band were sickened to see the torture of the four captured sec men.

Man who's eyes see more decided to leave the tribe and travel with them into the unknown. He meets them at the gateway and joins them there.

After Jumping into Maine, Man who's eyes see more takes a more traditional Anglo name. He takes it by combining the name of musicians from before the Skydark. It is here that he also picks up his new gun the Smith and Wesson .357 magnum.

While in the ville of Claggartsville, Donfil proves his prowess with spears and harpoons, hitting a bulls-eye ten times out of ten. Few have ever managed to achieve this feat of skill. Many of the whaling captains offer him a huge share of the take in order to entice him into joining their crew.

After he and Ryan are captured and forced to work on Captain Quadde's whaling ship, the Salvation, Donfil discovers that the life of a seaman and a whale hunter really appeals to him. When Ryan and his band decide to head to the gateway and jump out once again, he informs them that he wishes to stay behind. He bids them farewell, knowing that they probably will never meet again.

Created on 07/19/97

Updated on 07/21/97

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