Shockscape: Book Summary

Upon awakening, they discover that the gateway walls are a rich cobalt blue. They also notice how bitterly cold the redoubt is. Just after leaving the gateway, Dean goes to relieve himself and is attacked by a mutant worm. Ryan is able to pull it off his groin without inflicting any more damage, and they make damned sure that they stay away from that corridor.

A short time later they find themselves deep in the Colorado Rockies. J.B. uses his sextant to determine that they are to the west of what used to be Denver. It's bitterly cold and after killing a deer, they make camp for the night. Only a short time before sunrise a group of hunters approach the camp, and ask to join them. Ryan agrees. The three hunters claim to be workin for baron Nelson, who controls the ville of Vista. In reality, the three are poachers. They warn Ryan that it might not be a good idea to take Dean with them to the ville.

Just before dawn, they leave the camp and make their way towards the ville of Vista. A short time after dawn they encounter a huge mutant bear, which they are forced to kill to save their lives. They then encounter Rick Coburn, the head sec man for Vista. Rick orders the group to drop their weapons. They are forced to comply. Ryan learns that they have been tracking the three poachers for quite some time, and orders the men executed. One of the men ask Ryan that if he ever manages to find his daughter, to give her a message. He says yes, even though he doesn't mean it.

Michael protests the executions, and when Coburn goes to strike him, Michael surprises the man with his sheer speed at deflecting the attack. The executions still take place and the rest of the group are taken to see the baron.

About two hours later they arrive at Vista Ville. Rick and Ryan talk breifly. Ryan decides that he likes the head sec man. He learns that Baron Nelson defeated another baron several years back, and ever since then, the defeated baron's son, a man who calls himself Wizard Sidler, has run a ville of murderes and scum known as Yuma.

They first meet the baron's mother, a woman in her eighties. A short time later, the baron himself arrives. He immediatly wants to know why they haven't been executed. He orders the group to be hung, when Coburn brings to his attention the fact that there are two women and a boy with the group. They are able to convince the baron that they killed the bear in sheer self defense. After that, they learn that about five months before, the baron's son, a boy named Zebe, was tortured and killed by a group of six hired guns. The man who hired the killers was Wizard Sidler. He invites the party to dine with him.

Durning the meal he shows extra attention to Dean, who puts up with it for his father's sake. It's obvious to the group the baron would very much like to adopt Dean and raise him as his own. The baron brings up the fact that attacking Yuma with a large force of men would prove to be incredibly costly, but if a small group went in, they would have a far better chance at taking out the baron, and the killers. Ryan took the baron's offer to get Michael new clothing, even though the young man doesn't want them. Reluctantly, he takes the new cloths.

Ryan is taken to see the baron. He makes it clear that he expects the men to head to Yuma to take out the killers and the baron. Ryan, J.B. Michael, and Doc Tanner are to leave first thing in the morning. Mildred, Krysty and Dean are to stay behind. The baron gives them ten days to succeed. They are to bring back four of the six killers, or two of the killers and the baron. If they succeed, they will be allowed to leave. If they fail, the two women and Dean will stay behind. Krysty and Midlred would become the baron's wives, Dean his son.

When Ryan expalins to the rest what the deal is, Mildred goes ballistic. She can't believe that Ryan would agree to such an aggrement. Doc Tanner explains that Ryan had no choice in the matter. If he didn't agree, they would all die. She finally accepts what he did as best for the group.

The next morning Rick Coburn draws a rough sketch of wizard Sidlers territory, and tells him as much as he can about the ville and the people. They are given horses and the four men hit the trail.

By nightfall, they are about fifty miles away from Vista. They figure that they are just on the edge of Yuma's territory. They stumble upon a small wagon, owned by a trio of Thespians. They are welcomed into the camp, and meet the strangers. Ellie Morte, Diego Capestrano, and knuckles. Ryan hints that they are mercies and are on their way to Yuma. The thespians welcome them to travel with them, as that is their destination.

During the night, Ellie tries to seduce Ryan but fails. He can tell that she is seriously ill, and may not have many more months to live. He soon learns that she tried to seduce J.B. as well.

During the first day that they are gone, Mildred, Krysty and Dean stay in their room. Coburn comes by telling them that he'll be taking the boy to see a wolf they captured, leaving them alone so they can talk to the baron. After supper that night, the baron makes it perfectly clear his intentions to the two women if Ryan and the others are unable to return in ten days.

Ryan and the others reach the pesthole of Yuma. They have little trouble getting past the guards. They find a hotel called the snow palace and get rooms to share. There is something about Yuma that has J.B. worried, as he does what he can to keep his face hidden.

Ryan talks to the matron of the hotel He learns that one of the six killers was killed, and also learns that one of the five killers happens to be a woman.

During the evening they discuss the play that they are going to do. They decide to give Doc Tanner and Michael small parts, to make it look more plausable. Eventually they turn in for some much needed sleep.

After a horrible breakfast Michael lets it slip about the mission. Ryan slaps him and then explains to the stunned boy that anyone could have been listening at the door and could be at this time, going to tell the baron what they are doing there. The boy realises his mistake.

After the unpleasant encounter with Michael, Ryan leaves the hotel and goes to see the baron. Wizard Sidler has his head quarters set up in the ruins of the ville's multi plex. One of the guards tries to give him a hard time of it, and Ryan nearly kills him over it, before the others finally allow Ryan to enter. He finally meets the baron who happens to be watching his favorite movie. He is then introduced to the five surviving killers that they have to try and take back to Vista.

One of the five killers, a man named Jim Jennison, asks Ryan if he has ever ridden with Trader. Ryan lies and says no he hasn't. It is also mentioned that the man known as the Warlock may be responsible for the Death of Traders partner, Marsh Folsum.

During the second day back at the ville of Vista, Dean and the baron share a meal together. After which the baron takes Dean to see his dead son's toys, which despite the way the boy had to grow up, facinates him none the less.

That night back in Yuma Knuckles and Ryan go to check out the theater, to see where all the entrances and exits are located. While checking out the back, Ryan is attacked by two men. He kills one by decapitating him with his Panga He learns from the other that they were hired out by one of the killers to find and take out J.B. The boy Knuckles sneaks up behind the second man and brains him but good, killing him. They both return to the hotel.

There is not even a hint of the deaths next day. Ryan tries to get the dirt out of J.B. on why he was the target, but doesn't get anything. Around noon Ryan goes to see the baron, but is turned away when he learns that the baron has come down with an illness and will postpone the play until he is better. He runs into one of the killers, a man named Ozzie Grant. He tells Ozzie that he needs the alley cleared for the play, and also lets it slip that he knows that they were resposnible for the assination attempt on Ryan.

They get word from the matron next day that there will not be a play that night, as the baron is really sick and is coughing up blood. After this news, Ryan is forced to bring the thespians in on their mission. They agree to help them out, as since they are associated with the group, the thespians will surely suffer at the hands of the baron's sec men if they stay behind. The practice for the play continues througout the day.

The baron finally allows them to use the theater the next day for a live practice. During the day Ellie comes to visit Doc Tanner and ends up making love to him no less than four times. It's the first time in a very long time that Doc has had a chance to enjoy the company of a woman, ever since the death of Lori Quint well over a year before. They learn from one of the sec men that the baron is feeling a great deal better and that they will be performing for him that night.

That night the play goes off without a hitch, but the baron and the five killers don't show up for it, much to everyones disappointment.

That night, back in Vista, the baron's mother demands to see Krysty, Mildred and Dean. She tells them what the baron has planned, no matter what happens. She pulls out a small .22 caliber pistol and tries to attack the three. They are forced to attack her. The baron arrives to see his mother with blood on her, as Dean had managed to attack her. He is totally enraged when he learns that she revealed his plans. He shoots her and she falls face first into the fire. He then tells them that he is going to kill both of them, but will keep the boy alive. Dean drives his small blade into his leg, and Krysty shoots him once in the shoulder. The baron storms up and is about to kill Krysty when she shoves the barrel of the weapon in his mouth. The first time she pulls the trigger, nothing happens. The second time, the weapon goes off, lodging deep inside the barons massive skull. The hot kills him.

When Coburn discovers what happened, he is forced to keep the women locked away, to await their fate, once they learn if Ryan and the other men are able to return from their mission, successfully or not.

Just after breakfast next morning a squad of sec men led by Ozzie Grant walk right into the room without bothering to knock. Before they enter J.B. is able to hide beside the bed. Even though they don't come out and say it, it's obvious that they are looking for J.B. He lets them know that Sidler will be at the play that night.

The others eventually leave the hotel and head to the theather. J.B. stays behind with Ryan and finally reveals why he has been hinding the entire time they have been in the ville. It turns out that Jim Jennison is his half Brother! And for some reason that is never revealed, there is serious bad blood between the two of them.

That night the play goes off well once again. While they are performing, Ryan once again apologizes to Diego for dragging them into the fight that isn't their own. He also lets them know that he is pleased and honoured to have met the three of them. They are all pleased to see that Wizard Sidler and the five killers are in attendence for the play. When Ellie calls for volunteers, the baron and his hired guns offer. All goes as according to plan.

They are led out of the building and are captured one at a time, by being knocked unconciuos. Jim Jennison detects a trap, and tries to take Ellie hostage, but is attacked from behind by Knuckles and is knocked unconsious. They have the baron, and all five killers tied up and ready for transportation back to Vista.

The rest of the play is finished quite quickly and they leave the ville. At the toll booth it seems as if they are going to have some trouble, but they are able to get past, saying that they have the baron's permission to leave. They are allowed to leave. When they are about a mile away, they hear the general alarm go out.

Ryan stays behind to ambush the pursuers. He waits until they are about one hundred yards away before he opens up with his sniper rifle. He kills a mess of them, disuading the group from contiuing the chase.

On the way back, Wizard is able to slip free of his bonds. He grabs Knuckles blade and uses it to cut Ellies Throat. Doc uses his Le Mat to literally blow the man's head off. They spend a little time burying her body, even though they are pressed for time. Even though it meant the death of one of the hostages, Ryan is proud of what Doc did and lets him know that he isn't angry about it.

As they continue, Jim Jennison desperatly tries to get J.B. to release him and allow him to go. He flat out refuses. Then, without warning, the wagon goes over the edge of the hill and crashes. Diego is thrown from the wagon and is killed when his neck is broken.

The prisoners, as well as knuckles, survive the crash. They are able to escape, but one, Ozzie Grant, is killed by Ryan as he tries to escape the wreaked wagon. The woman, Reena, kills Knuckles. J.B. literally blows her apart when he pumps twenty rounds from his Uzi into her. Julio, and twenty gooseneck follow the others to their grave. The entire group of prisoners are dead. After the battle, J.B. goes after his brother, Jim Jennison. The man gives up, but J.B. cuts him down with the M-4000 shotgun. After he is dead, J.B. goes over and spits into his eyes. They place the bodies of Diego and Knuckles in the wagon, then set it ablaze.

Just after sunrise they arrive in the Ville of Vista. They learn that Coburn will give them a two hour head start, but if he captures them, the will be brought back to the ville and hung, each and everyone of them. They also learn that he plans to take over as baron for the ville once it is over. They leave the ville.

As they arrive at the redoubt, they are shocked to see that the sec doors won't open, and Rick Coburn is only a few minutes behind them.

End of Shockscape

A total of 11 days passed in this novel.

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