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4 Replies and 4290 Views Friend looking for bible quotes from outlanders  4290  4 Started by  Roodypoo I know nothing about this series but my friend used to read the very first ones. He is looking a a particular bible quote that is said.  Any help would be appreciated.
4 4290
by  MaximusJump to last post
2/9/2014 12:16 PM
4 Replies and 3883 Views Bring Back Rosie...Please?  3883  4 Started by  WoT Vet07 I'm tired of Brigid's dispassionate logic and lack of personality.  Isn't it time for her to get kidnapped and brainwashed again  She was a lot more interesting in her Brigid Haight persona.  I was hoping her time spent with Rosalia at the nunnery would have her acting more feisty but it doesn't seem like it.  I noticed that when Kane gave a 'shout out' to Rosalia in Cosmic Rift that Brigid didn't even bother to kid him about his pretty amiga.  I am hoping for...
4 3883
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
1/8/2014 5:06 PM
10 Replies and 5551 Views Outlanders 43 Dark Goddess  5551  10 Started by  Loveguitar20 Hey everyone.  I'm a bit of a new Outlanders fan and have read all the books so far.  I'm only a little confused though as to how Team Phoenix returned to earth in book 43.  I can't find anything that explains it to me and none of the books mention them leaving the planet from book 40.  Is this intentionally left out or is it a mistake on the authors part
10 5551
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
12/9/2013 2:22 PM
8 Replies and 5239 Views Thoughts on Outlanders Graphic Audio adaptations?  5239  8 Started by  perfectpawn I'm currently up to the second volume of the Graphic Audio Outlanders adaptations, and I'm curious what others think of these productions.  While I really appreciate GA and what they're doing, so far I've found the Outlanders adaptations to be pretty bad.  For one, the casting choices are just horrendous.  Why in the world did they pick a narrator with such a southern twang  The guy pronounces 'bullet' like 'bew-let.'  Almost as bad is the voice for Domi -- her voice ...
8 5239
by  DarrgothJump to last post
12/7/2013 2:30 PM
0 Replies and 3557 Views Outlanders 69 - Necropolis  3557  0 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 69 - Necropolis The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
0 3557
11/30/2013 12:58 PM
0 Replies and 3693 Views Cosmic Rift review  3693  0 Started by  Maximus This is yet another great concept, but is filled with glaring plot-holes.   The story begins with a prologue set in the times of the Crusades, where a lone surviving knight of one of history's bloodiest sieges was held between King Richard and Saladin, wakes up all alone on a battlefield. Essentially, its a Chariots of the Gods moment, just not done with as much excitement as it could have been. Then the story jumps forward in time, where Domi and Mariah Falk are deep in the jungles of Br...
0 3693
11/15/2013 10:29 AM
5 Replies and 4262 Views Outlanders 66 - Immortal Twilight  4262  5 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 66 - Immortal Twilight The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
5 4262
by  MaximusJump to last post
11/2/2013 10:28 AM
4 Replies and 3164 Views Can Chuck Rogers please pen an Outlanders?  3164  4 Started by  Maximus Outlanders needs a fresh author that has proven to kick-ass and revive a series with fresh blood and guts, ie Deathlands.   So, I am placing a request for this tremendously talented author to breathe some fresh new life in the Outlanders universe.    Since you flexed your writing muscles into science fiction in regards to getting off the Bolan field and playing a couple of solid sets in the James Axler universe, and proven to have major skills at it, can you flex those writing...
4 3164
by  MaximusJump to last post
9/4/2013 11:08 AM
1 Replies and 3020 Views My thoughts on Outlanders Immortal Twilight  3020  1 Started by  Maximus OK, so I am a little over halfway through this latest Outlanders, and I had to just give this site my thoughts thus far. (Well, no one else seems to be talking this series up here anymore.)   So, for those who care out there, here goes...   First off, the overall writing is good and has a pulse-pounding pace. The storyline is interesting to me. I always like lab-created superhumans, and Hoskin gives a slightly different twist to a concept that has been done numerous times. But t...
1 3020
by  MaximusJump to last post
8/24/2013 9:37 AM
11 Replies and 3840 Views Things that make me mental in the Outlanders universe  3840  11 Started by  Maximus OK, since I already covered this in the DL series, now its high time for the OL series.   After skipping quite a few books after Ellis's leave-taking of this series, I decided to read this 'Stone God' story arc. I just finished the last last 4 books, ending with the latest, Sinister Genesis. (See my review here)   All these were written by Rik Hoskin, who is coming out with his 3rd DL very soon. (I hope for the best. Love the cover art, and the concept sounds interesting. The title...
11 3840
by  The PhantomJump to last post
8/18/2013 6:54 PM
1 Replies and 3240 Views Outlanders 65 - Sorrow Space  3240  1 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 65 - Sorrow Space The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
1 3240
by  GazhackJump to last post
7/18/2013 2:35 PM
0 Replies and 3594 Views Outlanders 67 - Cosmic Rift  3594  0 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 67 - Cosmic Rift The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
0 3594
6/1/2013 8:56 AM
44 Replies and 12026 Views OUTLANDERS GENESIS  12026  44 Started by  Jax2
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
44 12026
by  Jax2Jump to last post
5/10/2013 1:50 PM
1 Replies and 3168 Views Scarlet Dream  3168  1 Started by  North the reference to the DL book in Scarlet Dream-- appears on page 45 for those still interested. I just finished this one the other day, even after reading reviews here. It was tough to finish this one, no doubt.  I guess I'm just tired of zombies and magic, and magical thinking. I realize it's all just fantasy and silly, but I want to be entertained, and this book barely made the grade for me. I didn't see the humor in making DL characters zombies. Kind of a cheap shot. But, hey, it's just ...
1 3168
by  UrbanSavageJump to last post
4/11/2013 11:00 PM
18 Replies and 3947 Views Can Chuck Rogers please pen an Outlanders...?  3947  18 Started by  Maximus I would like to use this website to plead to one of the all-time best authors to create awesomeness to the DL universe to do the same to Outlanders.   Please, please, please Chuck....can u do us all a major favor and resurrect this series Huh Can ya 
18 3947
by  RPGjunkieJump to last post
3/9/2013 7:58 PM
3 Replies and 3808 Views where to start  3808  3 Started by  Cipherfrog I'm looking for a good jumping on point in the outlanders series. preferably available in ebook. where should I start
3 3808
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
1/21/2013 5:50 AM
0 Replies and 3513 Views Ullikummis Concept Art  3513  0 Started by  Ron Miles For anyone who might be interested, I have been given access to two pieces of artwork that were commissioned to conceptualize the character of Ullikummis for the story arc that just recently completed. You can check them out, with some explanation, at .
0 3513
1/20/2013 4:32 PM
1 Replies and 2886 Views Non cannon style of current line up  2886  1 Started by  zaphodbblx I WAS (am for the 'classic ' portion of the series) a rabid Deathlands fan and much time and cash  was spent collecting  the first 75 books. After  the crapfest that was Cannibal Moon I just gave up...not only had the writing gone to hell but people were doing and saying things they WOULD NEVER do or say. I realize LJ has been dead over 20 years  but up to say issue 68 the writing managed to stay reasonably cannon,even with multiple writers....
1 2886
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
1/17/2013 6:46 AM
0 Replies and 3491 Views An Outlanders fan coming back...?  3491  0 Started by  Maximus Ya know, recently in the last several months, in between other sci-fi/fantasy and fiction action/adventure-oriented books, I have made a concerted 2nd effort at trying out these non-Ellis Outlander books.   Like every other fan in the beginning, I stuck with it, and tried out these two latest authors. I figured that if Deathlands can find some real talkented authors to pen it, then why can't Outlanders That maybe, just maybe, just like DL, some authors may just take Outlanders to a new l...
0 3491
11/18/2012 10:29 AM
5 Replies and 3617 Views Outlanders 63 - Genesis Sinister  3617  5 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 63 - Genesis Sinister The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
5 3617
by  MaximusJump to last post
11/10/2012 9:25 AM
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